We offer bulk discounts so that establishments can train all of their team members at the lowest possible prices. You are encouraged to take advantage of the discounts by reaching out to us so we can quote you for an annual subscription to purchase enough courses to get you through an entire year.

The Responsible Vendor Alcohol New Hire Course is required for all Food & Beverage Front of the House staff in order to be compliant with the Florida Responsible Vendor Act. Even non serving staff in the front of the house should complete the New Hire Course. This course doesn't expire.

A Responsible Vendor Alcohol Tri-Annual Update Course is required for every server, bartender, ID checker and their managers every 4 months. The update course is also highly recommended for non serving front of the house staff but is not required like the New Hire Course for those who NEVER touch alcohol.

The Food Handler Course is a requirement that must be met by every non managerial Food & Beverage front and back of the house employee in Florida within 60 days of hire. The certification is valid for 3 years.

All F&B Managers are required to have Food Manager Certification which is not included here but we do teach it live monthly....call us at 305.628.2428 or 1.800.329.7081 or email us at Admin@TheResponsibleVendors.com  to register!

If you are purchasing multiple courses even if you are not interested in an annual subscription, call us at 305.628.2428 or 1.800.329.7081 or email us at Admin@TheResponsibleVendors.com with the number of courses you require and we'll let you know if your purchase qualifies for a discounted rate!

Hotels should also purchase responsible vendor alcohol new hire courses for security, concierge, bellstaff and front desk who provide access to alcohol by providing a mini bar key.

We are adding more courses all the time. Check back with us or call or email us if there is a course you are looking for that you don't see listed in the store...it may be in development!

Visit our website at www.theresponsiblevendors.com for more information about us and how we can combine live training with online courses to meet your training needs.

Thank you for your business!

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